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The Windows of Otuzco

Ventanillas de Otuzco

The well-known archaeological remains as The Windows of Otuzco denominated this way to be in the Populated Center of the same name; belonging to the district of Bathrooms of the Inca. The place dista approximately about 8 kilometers to the north of the city of Cajamarca, having an altitude of 2,850 m.s.n.m, the landscape of contours is of forests of eucalyptuses that conjugate with the greenery of this cattle area.

The archaeological remains show us to have been elaborated in the rocky promontories; these concavities in rectangular ways and others in a squared way allow to know that they were elaborated by the procedure of the one carved of the rocky surface of volcanic origin.

Initially they were designed in serial array in horizontal form, having a premeditated function inside the conception and social structure of the Cajamarca.

Lately archaeologist Vivian Araujo in a cleaning of the place registered in the main frontis a funeral belonging to an approximately 12 year-old boy which was placed in fetal position without presenting metallic evidences neither ceramic.

Ventanillas de Otuzco

The observations and carried out studies allow to know a little more than who elaborated it and their funeral function. The place was visited and described by the Dr.Julio C. Tello in 1937, then Reichlen in 1947 registers it, later on the Arq. Roger Ravinez, includes it in the inventory of Archaeological Monuments of Cajamarca.

The arq. Carlos Farfán in 1993 identifies them for the Half Period of the Cultura Cajamarca, and equally it reports other very similar ones as those of Bambamarca that overcome in quantity of mortuary cameras being still conserved by the rural of the land.

The diverse reports of this area manifest us that this type of evidences is presented profusely with characteristic singular it is in dimensions and decoration among them we have those that the INC Cajamarca registers as:

The windows of Combayo, of Cerro Concejo, Tolón, Chacapampa, Jangalá, Bellavista, san Marcos.

The state of presenvación of these and other evidences show detachments of particles litícas for meteorización effect and for which goes losing their initial form slowly.

Ventanillas de Otuzco

These mortuary enclosures manifest the wide occupation of the culture Cajamarca, at the moment it is admirable to observe the landscape and the rocky contour in which were elaborated. This other places require this way of the support of the State and the International cooperation for future investigation projects and their future setting in value to the tourism.

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