Dives is the researchs made by the Topic couple, we can know that the first people living in Marcahuamachuco appered between the years 400 and 1000 after Christ.
Famous men such as Dr. Julio C. Tello, Max Uhle explored these ruins in order to find who made these constructions.
There was also another man called Tehodore Mc. Cown, who made many research in 1940 in order to determine chronologically the identification of its ancient population and their relations with the Inca's culture.
Marcahuamachuco wasn't only the briggest center of all the north Mountain, the peculiarity of its constructive aspects made of this place more interesting. We know that this hill was built in detail, where the natural stone was token out from the mud and was colocated in the form of rectangular blocks, some of them were put horizontally and others vertically; these ruins call the attention of the investigators and can be seen from large distances.