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Fosils of Yanas

Campesinos de Yanas

The discovery of bony remains found in the Cacerio of Yanás, was had of importance for us for that this fact was coincident with our arrival. One day had only passed that three of the comuneros, will find this remains informing us with details.

In work assigned collectively; of extracting earth for the one plastered of the roof of the primary school. They had broken great quantity of bony remains being spread in the place; some of them mediate 70 cm. of diameter and others of diverse sizes among them: ribs, vertebras of the line, hip and neck, lacking many more parts like it is the head that you/they still remain buried.

It was a magnificent opportunity manifesting them the importance of these evidences paleontólogicas and the because it should be preserved. As well as the archaeological remains of the place, because alone in that way he/she will stay the information for future studies.

For the references of the old men of the cacerío, we know now that; for the surroundings of that same place, about 30 years ago they were similar remains being ignored for the world.

Campesinos de Yanas

This casual discovery cannot happen inadvertent; its importance resides in the lack of studies of the fauna that existío. It is the distance and the distance of the place for which urges to deepen and to identify the chronological stage. We be he/she can give testimony of the origins of life that there were specifically in times of successive changes in the serrania in part of our territory is.

Colección Miguel Rodriguez
Colección Miguel Rodriguez

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